I love where I live & I love what I do.
I have been helping buyers and sellers since 2006.
I joined Sutton Sound Realty Inc. Brokerage March 2020.
I currently live in Tara and have been a lifelong resident of Grey-Bruce.
Together with my husband Larry, we have raised our children in one the most beautiful places in the world. One of the best parts of living in a small town is knowing and caring for one another like family.
I am proud to live and support local. I sponsor numerous clubs and teams, as well as donate my time and dollars to local charities and events.
I am fortunate to live just 20 minutes from just about everything you could ever want in Grey Bruce, and a reasonable (45 min.) commute to
Bruce Power, the largest Nuclear Power Station in the World and one of the areas best employers.
I proudly service the following communities and their surrounding areas:Tara - "Tarry awhile in Tara", or so the saying goes. I love my hometown. It may be small but it sure is mighty. This is a thriving community.
Owen Sound - The scenic city that offers amenities and a place for everyone. "Where you want to live", and enjoy parks, beaches, shopping, and fishing.
Southampton - Together with Port Elgin, this beautiful lakeside community make up Saugeen Shores. The quaint downtown Is an excellent place to shop or enjoy a wonderful meal at one of the many incredible eateries, It is hard to pick a favourite.
Port Elgin - Home of Pumpkinfest and much more, the town of Port Elgin continues to grow and thrive. Many new relocating employees to Bruce Power choose to live here and the list of amenities, clubs and events are endless. There is truly something for everyone.
Sauble Beach - Home to the second largest freshwater beach in the world this popular vacation destination never ceases to amaze.
Wiarton - The clear waters of Georgian Bay and the stunning rock cliffs are truly something of wonder. Also the home of "Wiarton Willie" the famous albino groundhog who predicts the coming of spring.
Chesley - It was an honour to graduate from Chesley District High School (CDHS) along with many wonderful and talented students. The town sign calls it the nicest town around and this farming community is just that.
Paisley - The Saugeen & Teeswater Rivers converge at the heart of Paisley. This small town is home to thriving community clubs, and is fully of artistic wonder.