Happy Hunting 

Today marks the first day of rifle season for deer hunters in the area.   My family look forward to this week all year long.  The opportunity to provide meat for our family to enjoy, all the while ensuring the health and maintenance of the local deer population is something they are proud of. 

I want to remind everyone to be extra diligent about deer crossing our roadways.  Deer are on the move this time of year, but especially this week.  They can do considerable damage to your vehicle if unseen.  I was actually showing property near Chatsworth last week just after dark.  It was raining and I was on my way home and just caught a glimpse of a pair of eyes to the right side of the road up ahead.  I immediately slowed down hearing the words of my father ringing in my head, "deer usually travel together, where there's one there is usually two."  As always, he was right.  A second doe bounded across in front of me to join the other.  

It is also a time to be aware of hunters as they are parked along roadsides.  Please take the time to slow down when passing a  parked vehicle.  That hunter is someone's father, husband, son, or daughter, maybe even mine.  

If you are interested in learning more click the links below to find 2020 Hunting Regulations.
Ontario Hunting Regulations Summary 

I wish them safety and success this 2020 season and look forward to our next venison roast.  